Tour de France VFR

5971km / 3224nm

24h of flight

58 airports

215 POIs

Discover France from the sky, its landscapes, its geography, its history and its economy. We have paid great attention to descriptions throughout your trip so that your adventure is more than just an overflight. You will learn new things on every flight. During this travel of more than 25 hours and 3224NM of you will land on 58 airports and transit by 215 POIs. Every POI has its IRL photography. The official documentation of each airport, airfield or airstrip is integrated in the navlog. We have tried to do short legs to avoid time consuming long trips.

We have designed an elegant livery for the Diamond Aircraft DA40 NG, our recommended airplane for this trip. You can use the plane of your choice by editing the FLT file before starting, do not forget that it must have the ability to land on short grass airstrips if you want to finish this adventure.

Advanced features :

  • You can use live or selected weather.
  • If you want you can use the ATC.
  • If you want you can use the autopilot.
  • You can refuel when you are on the ground.
  • You can fly with your friends.
  • You can redo this adventure with pleasure.

The mission is translated into 11 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Dutch and Japanese.

Last update 2021-01-19
